Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Abortion is protected by government- but not religion

In case you have been under a rock this week, like myself- Rifqa Bary is a runaway Christian convert who is desperately fighting to avoid an HONOR KILLING if sent back to her Muslim parents. BUT - the courts are expecting teen to be sent back home despite threats!
"If I had stayed in Ohio, I wouldn't be alive," she said. "In 150 generations in family, no one has known Jesus. I am the first — imagine the honor in killing me.
"They love God more than me, they have to do this," Bary told WFTV. "I'm fighting for my life. You guys don't understand. … I want to worship Jesus freely, that's what I want. I don't want to die."
Fox coverage of story, click here.
So to put this in perspective- The government protects ABORTION RIGHTS of teens but not RELIGION? The government states that PARENTS HAVE NO RIGHTS to know about their children having abortions (or rather the killing of their own children) but when their children chooses a different religion DESPITE THREAT of VIOLENCE or MURDER AT THE HANDS OF THE PARENTS the child has no defense?

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