- Obamas spent at least $80,000 beyond their income from 1999 to 2004 from a variety of lines of credit/mortgages. 1999-2004 | Luckily 2005 came- and Michelle received a 260% pay raise, and Obama's book was published.
- Michelle Obama spends $600 Stimulus Checks on Earrings not to mention $10,000 a year on piano and dance and sports supplements July 2008 | She complains to women in Ohio how normal families (like herself) cannot do much with 600 bucks. The normal family in Ohio makes under $37,000. So, doing her math, so far the normal Ohio family spends 1/3 of their income on fashion and children's activities? Give me a break.
- Hawaii Vacation costs more than Palin's wardrobe. October 2008 | Obama used CAMPAIGN FUNDS for a private jet to visit grandma, a purely personal visit. Boeing 757 costs over $400,000. While media swoops in on Palin's $150,000 campaign clothes all of which donated to charity post election.
- Obamas' Broadway Dinner Date in NYC costs US taxpayers $1 Million dollars! 30 May 2009
- Martha Vineyard Vacation home- $35,000 to $50,000 a week. August 2009 | The Obamas will pay for at least a portion of the rental, but taxpayer funds will be used to pay for Secret Service and staff housing on the property. Average family income is spent on one week rental for President during harsh economic times. Yes, this makes sense.
- Michelle 100 day in office- wears $540 shoes to a FOOD BANK! May 2009 |
- Michelle takes $6000 clutch to Russia! July 2009 | White house denies allegations and said it was only a $875 clutch. Manufacturer sticks to their claim despite White House pressure. ... Who is really paying for this? If she is on official US business, wouldn't the US taxpayer be paying?
I will keep this updated when more receipts are found... If you have any others, let me know!
Source: New York Daily News via GatewayPundit.com
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